Sponsors of the resolution say John and Ken and other KFI hosts have a history of "deplorable racist and sexist remarks.
"The resolution calls on KFI to reign in its talk show hosts.
It states, in part: "Derogatory language used by some radio personnel has no place on public airwaves in the Great City of Los Angeles or anywhere in America.
"The City Council urges KFI 640 AM's management to do everything in their power to ensure that their on-air hosts do not... promote racist and sexist slurs.""
Brought to you by the same folks who think it is in the best interest of the law abiding citizens of Los Angeles to allow illegal immigrants to get California Driver's Licenses, they are now certainly inviting even more unchecked responses from the likes of Clear Channel, Rush Limbaugh and John and Ken to protect their Constitutional Rights to both Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Press.
If Rush, John or Ken were African American Radio Personalities would the politico's be as offended by their use of the term "Ho"? How many rap lyrics aired on the radio waves of America and produced right here in Los Angeles, contain references to illegal drugs or sexually degrading terms like; "slut", "whore", "ho" or worse?
To keep the record straight, a "Resolution" in this context is defined as:
Main article: Non-binding resolution
In a house of a legislature, the term non-binding resolution refers to measures that do not become laws. This is used to differentiate those measures from a bill, which is also a resolution in the technical sense. The resolution is often used to express the body's approval or disapproval of something which they cannot otherwise vote on, due to the matter being handled by another jurisdiction, or being protected by a constitution. An example would be a resolution of support for a nation's troops in battle, which carries no legal weight, but is adopted for moral support.So at best, this is a hollow action and waste of tax payer time and money in some misguided effort to garner support of those on the political left to decry those who exercise their 1st Amendment Rights to free speech. The "resolution" cannot impinge those rights in any way. It can only invite continue debate and discussion which in fact creates greater polarity and must almost certainly widen the racial gap.
Yes, this is big city politics at its best. The presidential election looms on the horizon and polarity means big money from campaign contributors on both sides of the fence. Those on the extreme right will certainly open their wallets to support Rush and his fan base grow. Those on the extreme left will equally rally behind the banner of ethnic and woman's rights.
Will it ever matter that there is now allegedly a new sex tape of Whitney Houston which might to some small degree justify the use of the term "ho" regarding her behaviour? And, if the toxicology report comes back that she was again using illegal substances, inclusive of crack cocaine, would anyone feel it necessary to pro offer an apology to John and Ken for what could potentially be an expression of a substantiated fact? I doubt it but why are we wasting our tax dollars on this anyway?
And lest we forget; "Freedom isn't free". As one who has served in defense of the Constitution and its Amendments I learned that it was equally as important for me to be willing to fight to the death to preserve your right to burn my flag in protest as it was for me to stand in defense of my right to fly it.
The "Resolution" is hollow and can best be discribed as a political chess move.
Check - It's your move LA. City Counsel.