Tuesday, June 3, 2014



Dear Commander in Chief,
There are a great many of us who have questions regarding the disappearance of now SGT BERGDAHL from his unit while deployed in Afghanistan.  I trust that as the Commander in Chief, you will be able to clear these issues up for We The People.
1)  Is it true that SGT. BERGDAHL shipped all or most of his personal possessions back home to his family three days before going missing?
2)  Is it true that SGT BERGDAHL sent e-mails to his family disavowing the actions of the United States and it's military forces in Afghanistan?
3)  Did SGT BERGDAHL desert from the United States Army?
4)  Did SGT BERGDAHL aide, abet or assist the enemy in any way before, during or after his alleged capture?
5)  Why did Susan Rice state that this exchange was so critical at the time it took place that Congress could not have been afforded the proper notice as required by law when the video's of BERGDAHL in captivity show him eating a well balanced meal and in seeming good health?
6)  Is it true that SGT BERGDAHL'S father is Muslim?
7)  If SGT BERGDAHL had not deserted, would the six service men who were attempting to locate and rescue him have been killed or wounded?
8)  Is it true that you, the Commander in Chief were aware of and pressing for the release of these five high level Taliban detainees for more than two years? (That is a YES or NO question)
9)  This is the most important question, Why were the members of SGT BERGDAHL'S platoon ALL required to sign non-disclosure agreements regarding the circumstances of his capture?
These are fairly straight forward questions that as the Commander in Chief you should absolutely be able and willing to answer in an equally straight forward fashion.
Oh one more things before I forget Sir, have you upheld your oath of office to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic?
Thank you in advance for your anticipated response,
We The People

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