Wednesday, March 5, 2014


For one of the biggest stories effecting the Gypsy / Travel Crime Families, the media on the left coast has been decidedly quiet as Rose Marks, the "God-Mother" of the Marks Rom or clan was sentenced to just over 10 years for her part in the fortune telling fraud cases that she and her family orchestrated.  In addition, a great majority of her family plead guilty to lesser charges and the ironically, the Judge who presided over the case was not really sympathetic towards the victims. 

U.S. District Judge Kenneth Marra indicated that he found it difficult to understand how educated men and women could fall prey to the Marks Rom or family scams.  It is astounding to me that a Federal Judge could not wrap his head around the methods that Gypsies employ to take financial advantage of their victims.  It's simple, they listen.  They listen to what their prey relates and then mold their schemes specifically for each unsuspecting and God fearing subject and then they adapt their stories along the way as the plot of their victim's life unfolds.

They are master manipulators who are trained from birth to take up their roll in the family business.  Instead of attending pre-school and kindergarten, the Roma children are molded from the youngest of ages to listen intently to what their victims say and equally as importantly, to what they don't say and then they play into those needs, desires, weaknesses and all the while, embed themselves into every aspect of their target's life. 

They form an absolute co-dependent relationship where the victim eventually cannot make a single decision without first consulting their "spiritual advisor" and friend.  In many cases, the gypsy convinces their prey that they were related in a prior life and most importantly, they pray together.  They pray for divine intervention and that God will help them with whatever issue is at hand and then, the fortune teller simply tells the unsuspecting yet highly intelligent and highly functional victim that God spoke to them and told them that somehow, money would solve the problem.  That money of course has to be sacrificed or blessed in some way for the psychic to be able to help their "friend" and the con runs for as long as the victim has money and a willingness to part with it.

Once the prey wises up, they are either too embarrassed that they were so easily manipulated that they cannot or will not report the losses or they are intimidated into remaining silent.  Either way, with profits in the millions, the Rom is not going to let their livelihood go lightly.  The Prosecutors and Judicial Officers of the land need to get in-depth training on the methods of the Travelers and more importantly develop a willingness to understand that these are not victimless crimes.

When more gypsies begin to be successfully prosecuted, these crimes will at last begin to diminish.

See the underlying story here:,0,4722066,full.story

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